Stop Taking those F’n Facebook Quizzes

Everyone’s (least) favorite social network has been a very useful tool for bamboozling the US to elect a certified idiot as president. The fact that there’s ties between aggressive pro-Trump advertising and Russia has been written about ad infinitum, but now there’s more.

A phony “research center” from “Cambridge” literally took information from millions of Facebook profiles to create voter profiles and serve them with hyper-targeted ads that are meant to sway their opinion on Trump and his opponents. And of course the data-gathering happened under the guise of awesome psychology tests and “who’s your BEST friend” quizzes.

I was part of the kill-joy movement when those were going around. Quizzes are dumb. Facebook quizzes that give people you don’t know information on yourself and your entire friend group are straight up terrifying. Learn your lesson and please don’t take those quizzes anymore [footnote]and tell your loving parents and grandparents to not do it either![/footnote].


2 responses to “Stop Taking those F’n Facebook Quizzes”

  1. I LOhoveeeeh the footnote. It’s like you were contaminated by DFW hahahahah

    1. ffsanton Avatar

      It just makes so much sense to put all this extra stuff in footnotes instead of bloating the actual text. 🙂