It’s been a long year. Somewhere between the start of the revolution in Ukraine and now, 2014 started and passed. It feels like I was just a passenger travelling through time. Save for my trip to Paris and Amsterdam, I wouldn’t be able to tell you what I did this year, how I felt, and what’s changed in my life in these 365 days. My iPod, however, keeps track of what I listened to throughout the year.
Here are my top songs of 2014:
#1 and #2: Arctic Monkeys — I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor and The Libertines — Time for Heroes.
I’ve seen both these bands live in 2014 (which is something I still can’t quite comprehend and believe), so it’s no surprise that these two songs are the most played songs in the past 12 months. Arguably the two best songs by two of my favourite bands. They’re catchy, they have great lyrics, and they’re pretty much perfect in every way imaginable.
#3: Tokyo Police Club — Gonna Be ready
This song is on the list just because I’m in a band, and this song feels like it’s really fun to play. Forcefield came out in March, and it’s been on my iPod until about two weeks ago. I wouldn’t say any of these songs are extraordinarily good, but all of them are fun. This album was the soundtrack to my summer. It made me feel 17 again (in a good way).
#4: Nirvana — Smells Like Teen Spirit
Whatever month of my entire life since 8th grade you take, this song will definitely be in the top-50 most-played songs on my iPod. This song is why I started drumming, why I continue drumming, and why I can’t learn to play quietly.
$5: Jack White — Lazaretto
The only song from his latest album that I like. “Yo trabajo duro como en madera y yeso”
#6: Cursive — Big Bang
I only found out about this band a month ago, but I’ve been listening to “Happy Hollows” non-stop for nearly two weeks. Weird rhythms, unusual instrumentation, brilliant lyrics.
#7: Death Cab for Cutie — I Will Follow You Into The Dark
#8: Royal Blood — Little Monster
I still can’t believe so much sound can be made by just two instruments. Their whole album is full of explosive riffs. It’s impossible to listen to them quietly. I’m still a little bitter that I didn’t go see them in Paris. Note to self: always say yes to free concerts.
#9: System of a Down — Chop! Suey
I’m late to the bandwagon, but this band is insane.
#10: Carl Barat & The Jackals — Glory days
I’m really looking forward to their full-length album. This song seems like it was extremely fun to play and record, and I’m glad we’ll be getting this album and probably a new Libertines album.
2015 is going to be good.