This was a particularly difficult one. I couldn’t get myself to do any real work, but I didn’t feel like I was having a good time with any of the other activities either. Except these four:
Comic books (Saga, in particular)
I basically read through the entire 54 issues of Saga in 4 days. I think I started on Monday and by Thursday I was done with everything that was published before their “indefinite hiatus” in 2018. It is so good. I’m not much of a comic book reader (yet), but going from not reading them at all to reading 54 issues in less than a week says something about how good the story is. Now there’s a huge “void” that I’m trying to fill by reading Paper Girls, Y: The Last Man, V for Vendetta, and Sweet Tooth.
Back to Work & GTD
In an attempt to get back to being productive I binged a bunch of episodes of the Back to Work podcast where they talked about David Allen’s Getting Things Done book/system[note]If you’re interested in going on that journey too (which I highly recommend), you’re going to want to listen to episodes 95-99.[/note]. It got me to go back and get my OmniFocus projects under control. That didn’t make me any more productive, but it did make me significantly less anxious about all the work that’s on my plate. It’s still a lot of work, but it’s no longer overwhelming.
Keeping a Logbook
I was starting to lose track of time, and I was starting to forget what I was doing with my days. All the days rolled into one, and it was messing up my brain[note]Which is already messed up in so many ways.[/note]. So, I made an iOS shortcut that reminded me to write down what I was doing every hour, and when that became to annoying I followed Austin Kelon’s advice and bought a Moleskine Daily Journal. Now I write down what I’ve been doing in that journal every couple of hours. That logbook is the only reason I remember what I did + it’s what I referred to to remember which 4 things got me through this terrible week.
I’ve been having a burrito for lunch nearly every day of the week, and eating a burrito never fails to make me feel a little better.