Last Saturday I got really bored and decided to make a list of things that I remember being interested in from my teens up until now. I’ve always been the type of person who darts between hobbies several times a week, and so I have hundreds of interests that I never got good at, didn’t pay enough attention to, or abandoned because #Life got in the way. At the same time, I feel/know that I’m never happier than when I have the time to properly explore something I’m interested in. I get obsessed with it, and while I’m doing it, reading about it, talking about it — I feel good. Plus, I remember being much happier when I was a teenager. PLUS, I’m constantly wondering what I should write about and what this blog should be about.
So, obviously, the best thing I could do for myself/this blog is to take that list and explore every single one of the topics in one way or another. It could be making a YouTube playlist of videos about it, sharing some memories back in the day, or just going out and taking some pictures. It’s a long list, though, so it will take a while. That’s a good thing!
I now have 96 topics to write about for the next… Year? Two years? Decade? We’ll see how it goes.
And now
The List
- Skateboarding
- Rollerblading
- Music
- Making music
- Writing
- Poetry
- Screenwriting
- Film
- Making films
- Photography
- Other People
- Psychology
- YouTube
- Sound Recording
- Podcasting
- Basketball
- Punk
- Punk rock
- Marketing
- Advertising
- Copywriting
- Pens
- Notebooks
- Apps
- Productivity
- Games
- Cellphones
- Technolgoy
- Economics
- Politics
- Editing
- Organization
- Money
- Bands
- Art
- Artists
- Stickers
- Pop Art
- Vlogging
- Blogging
- Essays
- Physics
- Education
- France
- Europe
- Amsterdam
- French New Wave
- Noise Rock
- Shoegaze
- Nirvana
- Jimi Hendrix
- Coding
- Publishing
- Fashion VS Style
- Hipsters
- TikTok
- Graffiti
- Street Art
- Documentaries
- Video Essays
- Journaling
- Feminism
- Black Panthers
- Spike Lee
- Spike Jonze
- Music Videos
- Art Direction
- Cliques
- Collectives
- Stock Market
- Moleskine
- Anime
- Vitamins
- Laser Printers
- Zines
- Marble Olympics
- Bikes
- QWERTY keyboards vs DVORAK keyboards
- The Beatles
- Avatar: The Last Airbender
- Vinyl
- Liner Notes
- Wireless Charging
- Cooking
- Painkillers
- Legalization vs Decriminalization
- Composition
- Ceramics/Pottery/Glazing
- Voting
- FM Synthesis
- OP-1
- Teenage Engineering
- Record Labels
- Ukraine
- Climate Change
I could add four topics to make it a nice 100, but the only thing I love more than round numbers is unfinished projects.