Last Saturday I got really bored and decided to make a list of things that I remember being interested in from my teens up until now. I’ve always been the type of person who darts between hobbies several times a week, and so I have hundreds of interests that I never got good at, didn’t pay enough attention to, or abandoned because #Life got in the way. At the same time, I feel/know that I’m never happier than when I have the time to properly explore something I’m interested in. I get obsessed with it, and while I’m doing it, reading about it, talking about it — I feel good. Plus, I remember being much happier when I was a teenager. PLUS, I’m constantly wondering what I should write about and what this blog should be about.

So, obviously, the best thing I could do for myself/this blog is to take that list and explore every single one of the topics in one way or another. It could be making a YouTube playlist of videos about it, sharing some memories back in the day, or just going out and taking some pictures. It’s a long list, though, so it will take a while. That’s a good thing!

I now have 96 topics to write about for the next… Year? Two years? Decade? We’ll see how it goes.

And now

The List

  1. Skateboarding
  2. Rollerblading
  3. Music
  4. Making music
  5. Writing
  6. Poetry
  7. Screenwriting
  8. Film
  9. Making films
  10. Photography
  11. Other People
  12. Psychology
  13. YouTube
  14. Sound Recording
  15. Podcasting
  16. Basketball
  17. Punk
  18. Punk rock
  19. Marketing
  20. Advertising
  21. Copywriting
  22. Pens
  23. Notebooks
  24. Apps
  25. Productivity
  26. Games
  27. Cellphones
  28. Technolgoy
  29. Economics
  30. Politics
  31. Editing
  32. Organization
  33. Money
  34. Bands
  35. Art
  36. Artists
  37. Stickers
  38. Pop Art
  39. Vlogging
  40. Blogging
  41. Essays
  42. Physics
  43. Education
  44. France
  45. Europe
  46. Amsterdam
  47. French New Wave
  48. Noise Rock
  49. Shoegaze
  50. Nirvana
  51. Jimi Hendrix
  52. Coding
  53. Publishing
  54. Fashion VS Style
  55. Hipsters
  56. TikTok
  57. Instagram
  58. Graffiti
  59. Street Art
  60. Documentaries
  61. Video Essays
  62. Journaling
  63. Feminism
  64. Black Panthers
  65. Spike Lee
  66. Spike Jonze
  67. Music Videos
  68. Art Direction
  69. Cliques
  70. Collectives
  71. Stock Market
  72. Moleskine
  73. Anime
  74. Vitamins
  75. Laser Printers
  76. Zines
  77. Marble Olympics
  78. Bikes
  79. QWERTY keyboards vs DVORAK keyboards
  80. The Beatles
  81. Avatar: The Last Airbender
  82. Vinyl
  83. Liner Notes
  84. Wireless Charging
  85. Cooking
  86. Painkillers
  87. Legalization vs Decriminalization
  88. Composition
  89. Ceramics/Pottery/Glazing
  90. Voting
  91. FM Synthesis
  92. OP-1
  93. Teenage Engineering
  94. Record Labels
  95. Ukraine
  96. Climate Change

I could add four topics to make it a nice 100, but the only thing I love more than round numbers is unfinished projects.