The first CD I owned was the Shrek OST. I got it to go along with a boombox that I was gifted. A Philips AZ1575 and MAN I listened to a lot of music on that thing. It had that wheel thing for volume control which was a as close to an iPod as I could get at that time.

The Shreck OST was a no-skip collection of music. I had my favorites (Reputation, All Star, Stay Home), but there wasn't a song on there that I'd skip anyway.
I don't know that it influenced my taste in music (like, it wasn't the "foundation" of my tastes the way Eminem Show or A Fever You Can't Sweat Out were), but it really set the bar for all the playlists that I would make once I had the ability to burn CD's and (later) put stuff on my MP3 Player.