Summer So Far

The last thing I remember was taking the subway home from the office and being astounded by a woman eating popcorn out of a bag with her bare hands, occasionally holding onto the railing, as everyone around her (including me) was wearing a face mask. That was in the middle of March, before cases …

Quarantine Update 3.4.20

I’m going to be honest, the highlight of the past week of the quarantine was my discovery/re-discovery of Nintendo games. I have spent 30+ hours playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past on my old Nintendo 3DS. They’re so good! A Link to the Past was …

What I've Been Doing

Playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf[note]It's as peaceful and as addicting as everyone says it is. If you have any Nintendo-device, buy the game. And if it's a Nintend DS/3DS — add me![/note] Playing Zelda: Link to the Past [note]I'm very surprised that the gameplay holds up.[/note] Actually trying to …