The last thing I remember was taking the subway home from the office and being astounded by a woman eating popcorn out of a bag with her bare hands, occasionally holding onto the railing, as everyone around her (including me) was wearing a face mask.

That was in the middle of March, before cases skyrocketed in Ukraine[note]we have a very modest rocket here, so it’s not that scary, but I still went full-quarantine and stayed home.[/note] and the whole country was quarantined. Now it’s the middle of July and going outside feels weird. I missed a whole season. The calendar says “Summer” but I didn’t get a spring and so now my internal clock is all messed up.

I started inline skating. I dyed my hair green. I deactivated Twitter. I confirmed my suspicion that I hate offices and that working from home is a totally viable option for me. I’ve decided to relax about what all this[note]my blog, this website[/note] means and just blog from my phone.

Nothing matters, but I still want a record of it.

Spotify is finally available in Ukraine, and that means that I have access to a bunch of cool playlists from some of my favorite online people. Plus, I get to contribute some of my own. Here’s my “Calm the Fuck Down” playlist. It’s a nice, tight 14 minutes[note]1 minute to turn it on + 14 minutes of listening = 15 minute meditation/break/angry walk[/note]. It goes from an angsty OK Go song to some chill Mac DeMarco songs via one uplifting Modest Mouse song. I like it. It helps.

Leave me a link to your favorite playlist on Apple Music or Spotify.

A bientôt.