A Month In Film (September)

I've become obsessed with film photography, but I become obsessed with things really quickly and tend to forget about them and abandon them equally quickly. I'm hoping doing these monthly posts will help me stick to the habit and continue taking pictures regularly. I enjoy the process and (more …

What's gonna kill us first,

The climate or these things? [www.youtube.com/watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sBBaNYex3E)

A Month In Film (August)*

* I actually first loaded this film into my camera in November of 2018, but then I had to move, and my film camera lived in the middle of a cardboard box until I found it again in August. The first picture of the roll. My cat, Sherlock, in our old flat. Also the only picture from November 2018 on …

The Story of Us

Tim Urban is doing something that I've wanted to see for a long time. He's taking all the problems we're facing today, and laying the foundation for helping us solve them. And he's doing it in a way that makes a lot of sense to me and appeals to me. He's first forming a "language" and a way for …



Self-Publishing Tips from Savannah Brown

[www.youtube.com/watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5xpc5XS0Bw) i self-published a poetry book that sold 20,000 copies (a self-pub how-to) Some great tips about self-publishing + comparing self publishing and traditional publishing + a discussion on the benefits of print-to-order and doing an …

The Perfect PokéRap

There’s a thing I have for people who take something really simple and then overthink the living shit out of it. [note]It’s been put into words better than I ever could in this video right here. Which isn’t to say that I won’t someday come back to it and give it my own little …

Bird by Bird

I’m reading Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. I’m 6 chapters in, and I think they’ve done more to help me accept the “shitty first draft” and the “just write every day” mantras better than the tens of other books and hundreds of other articles that tried to beat me over the head with them. Her opening …

Having a Good Morning with ToDoist and iOS 12 Shortcuts

Update: Literally this same day ToDoist released an app update that significantly simplifies the integration with Shortcuts. It will only get you to 70% of this shortcut, but for 90% of people that will be more than enough. I refuse to delete this post, though, cuz I had fun writing it so ¯_(ツ)_/¯ …

Mission Impossible: Fallout

Let’s get the important part of this review out of the way first: this is a 10/10 action movie. Good. Now we can dig in. I’m the kind of mediocre white guy who took a film class in high school and decided to make that the cornerstone of my personality. I’d like to say I got over it quickly, but I …

Kendrick Lamar Album Review (Part 1 of 2?)

To say I wasn’t hyped for the release of Damn would be to say nothing at all. I’m not a hardcore fan of Kendrick in the way I’m not a hardcore fan of any artist or band; I love good music, but I don’t go as far as watching every single interview and reading every single thread in their subreddit*. …

10 Tips for Traveling to London

Get an Oyster card right away. It’s £5 and you can top it up for any amount you would like (don’t be fooled by the options that are given in increments of 5 in the machine). Take buses EVERYWHERE. You can generally get from any point in the city to another with a single bus + a 10–15 minute walk. …

Fantastic Music and Where to Find It

Even though it only applied to several genres, “back in the day” I was the person to go to for music recommendations. Before Spotify Weekly and Apple Music’s “For You” section came about, I was adjusts letterman jacket that guy. That’s changed, and I find myself …

Art v. Artist and Authorial Intent v. Canon

Kanye West is the best argument both for and against the separation of art and artist. JK Rowling is the best argument both for and against an author’s influence on canon after the original series is officially over. This post was brought to you by this episode of The Last Podcast with Zac …

Listen to this: Bo Burnham on You Made it Weird

You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes: Bo Burnham #3 https://overcast.fm/+HGWMiEc It’s a three hour conversation, which is about 6 times longer than the average podcast episode I listen to, but it’s such a great conversation. It’s the type of conversation that seems to cover …

Stranger Things

I came back from my vacation in London on Saturday, slept, ate, slept again, and then on Sunday I binge watched Stranger Things. We didn’t have WiFi in our AirBNB in London, so watching something, anything at all, was going to be good, but Stranger Things was great. Now Stranger Things has a solid …

One minute seems like a very long time

It’s been a year since the first 100 deaths occurred during the revolution at Maidan. Feels wrong calling it an “anniversary”, but I guess that’s what it is. I knew there was an event at Maidan to commemorate this day and the events that happened a year ago, but I wasn’t inclined to go. A little …

Top Songs of 2014

It’s been a long year. Somewhere between the start of the revolution in Ukraine and now, 2014 started and passed. It feels like I was just a passenger travelling through time. Save for my trip to Paris and Amsterdam, I wouldn’t be able to tell you what I did this year, how I felt, and what’s changed …

On Writing or "First!"

My experience with writing outside of school is very limited. Come to think of it, my experience of writing in school ends with a 10-page research paper I wrote in Paris about the catastrophic consequences of decreasing bee populations around the world, and that was 3 years ago. In those days I …