Starting Out

After 10 years of thinking about it (overthinking, really) I've finally started making a video for YouTube. As all "first" videos go, this one is about how it's the first video I'm making. I hate that. But as much as videos about making videos absolutely GRIND MY GEARS, I need to get this …

Project Hail Mary

VERY good book. Just finished it today. Arguably even better than The Martian. DEFINITELY better than Artemis. Couldn't put it down. Sucks because i had a sleepless night, but does go to show how awesome and captivating the story is.

Mixing Visualized

If you get past the weird aesthetic choices (and BOY are they weird) and learn to enjoy them, then this is an amazing resource for understanding how sound mixing works (especially in the context of making music): [](

Funny Books (from NYT)

Whenever I finish a good book (it was Ready Player One this time), I find myself in a reading slump. So, I'm going to keep a list of resources to refer to when I'm looking for a new book to check out from the library. This article from the New York Times has a list of 22 of the funniest novels since …

Make Your Own Rules by Andrew Huang

I was not excited when Andrew Huang announced that he would be writing a book. I've been online long enough to be weary of "books written by YouTubers". But that was unfair of me. Andrew Huang has been a goldmine of awesome and entertaining videos, helpful and useful advice, as well as a very large …

Essentialism by Greg McKeown

Just finished reading Essentialism by Greg McKeown. For me this was a very "front loaded" self-help book (one of my least favorite kinds). Most of the advice that the book has to offer is revealed in the introductory chapters. What fallows, then, is just a bunch of examples of how the advice can be …

Sorry to my two (2) RSS Followers

Changing to a different blogging platform. Again. I'm very sorry.

Anxiety Dirt Drink

I was sick the past week and that means that I was dehydrated. I usually don't drink coffee when I'm dehydrated, so I had a week-long break. I still drank lots of tea, but the effect is different; we all know that. Anyway, yesterday I woke up feeling exhausted so I had a cheeky little cappucino with …

Bad Forecasts

I generally only get my news from official resources or resources that have done so well with providing accurate information so consistently that I choose to trust them (though, with a grain of salt). One of those resources posted (this morning) that tonight there will likely be another attack with …

Coffee Joy

I've had to stop drinking coffee because it was adding fuel to the fire of my anxiety. I hate doing these "responsible" things because while they make my overall life better (less anxiety is always good) they steal little moments of joy from me. Making a V60 coffee when I get up has been my "morning …

Corpo Brain

You spent the first five years trying to get with the plan And the next five years trying to be with your friends again First of all — we're bringing back using lyrics as status messages, cryptic posts, etc. We've cowered under the pressure of "what if it's cringe" for many years, and now it seems …

Everything is a bad sign when everything is bad

A couple of people are moving out of the apartment building I live in and it's stressing me out. It means nothing. It means their landlord sucks or it means they found a better place or it means the apartment is too small for them now that they have a kid AND two dogs. But to me it immediately …

Happy New Year

Here's the energy with which I'm entering 2024:

I Got FL Studio

When I got Ableton Live I said to myself that that would be the last music-related purchase in my life. It has everything I need and more. And yet here I am. I got FL Studio and I've been playing around with it and LOVING it. I think something about the workflow just works for my ADHD brain. You …

I've Been Reading

I have been hardcore reading these past couple of months. I went from having read 4 books in 2023 to 14 in the span of 60 days. It started with joining a book club where we were all reading Infinite Jest (that's still in progress), but as I was reading that, I also started reading other (easier) …


First week of the year was a tough one. It started with some pretty serious bombings from russia aka lack of sleep aka the rest of the week was fucked. Shoutout to the US Patriot air defense systems that helped Ukrainian soldiers shoot down 10/10 hypersonic missiles that russia has long claimed are …

52 Things I Learned in 2023

Reading still brings me joy Reading together is a much better experience. It makes difficult books easier to stick with. If pen & paper is something I come back to any time I'm overwhelmed, maybe it's best to just stick to pen and paper always Especially if new stationary brings me so much JOY. …


I follow these blogs! You might want to as well! At the very least, you should at least check them out. …

Good Journaling Methods

I've been slowly chipping away at a post about how journaling has helped me and the various little "journaling activities" that are actually helpful instead of time-sucking trash. Now I've had to throw that draft away because this video covers nearly all of my tips and adds some that I haven't …

I love me a new blog

Lost count of how many I’ve started. This one’s the newest.

Jan 14 Weeknotes (2024)

This week at work was intense, but I've also been doing a lot of "thinking" and "planning" and "brainstorming" for a few creative things I'll be doing on the side as part of my whole "year of winding up/down" yearly theme. Work The company I work at was part of a conference/expo thing, and as the …

Jan 21 Weeknotes (2024)

It's been a slow week. Basically regrouping from the dificulty of the previous week. But also I put a song up on Spotify/Apple Music and that's a capital "A" Accomplishment for me. Work Now that the conference/event is over, it's time to get back to the "foundational" marketing activities of SEO, …

My First Song is on Spotify

Hi! My first song is out on Spotify! Listen here. I'm mostly proud that I somehow gathered enough courage to actually share this. Hopefully as I learn more about music I'll be putting out better songs. But TBH this one has grown on me.

My Life in Albums - Shrek OST

The first CD I owned was the Shrek OST. I got it to go along with a boombox that I was gifted. A Philips AZ1575 and MAN I listened to a lot of music on that thing. It had that wheel thing for volume control which was a as close to an iPod as I could get at that time. The Shreck OST was a no-skip …

Stock Effects in Ableton Live

So, uhm, after buying and spending a couple of weeks using FL Studio I am now back on my bullshit (aka using Ableton Live). This video is an amazing resource. It explains all the stock plugins of Ableton Live and took my understanding of the software from, like, a 50% to close to 80%. …