I love me a new blog

Lost count of how many I’ve started. This one’s the newest.

Jan 14 Weeknotes (2024)

This week at work was intense, but I've also been doing a lot of "thinking" and "planning" and "brainstorming" for a few creative things I'll be doing on the side as part of my whole "year of winding up/down" yearly theme. Work The company I work at was part of a conference/expo thing, and as the …

Jan 21 Weeknotes (2024)

It's been a slow week. Basically regrouping from the dificulty of the previous week. But also I put a song up on Spotify/Apple Music and that's a capital "A" Accomplishment for me. Work Now that the conference/event is over, it's time to get back to the "foundational" marketing activities of SEO, …

My First Song is on Spotify

Hi! My first song is out on Spotify! Listen here. I'm mostly proud that I somehow gathered enough courage to actually share this. Hopefully as I learn more about music I'll be putting out better songs. But TBH this one has grown on me.

My Life in Albums - Shrek OST

The first CD I owned was the Shrek OST. I got it to go along with a boombox that I was gifted. A Philips AZ1575 and MAN I listened to a lot of music on that thing. It had that wheel thing for volume control which was a as close to an iPod as I could get at that time. The Shreck OST was a no-skip …

Stock Effects in Ableton Live

So, uhm, after buying and spending a couple of weeks using FL Studio I am now back on my bullshit (aka using Ableton Live). This video is an amazing resource. It explains all the stock plugins of Ableton Live and took my understanding of the software from, like, a 50% to close to 80%. …

If it was fun to make, I'll probably like it

"This class will probably ruin movies for you." That was the first thing said by my teacher during my first film class in high-school. Basically, creating the habit of analysing (and often "over analysing") movies would ruin them for me. Movies would no longer be something I can just shut my brain …

Posting with Visual Studio

I recently discovered (literally not five minutes ago) that it's possible to edit github repositories through a web interface? With all the push/pull/commit bullshit as well? Absolutely incredible.

iOS Emergency Shortcut

Disclaimer: The built-in iOS "Emergency" functionality is 100x more likely to actually work when you need it to. At best, this shortcut can remove the stressful experience of having to TYPE a message while you're stressed. It does not replace the need to call the police/ambulance/fire people if you …

Pointless Art

This is mostly a “note to self” type of post that I hope somebody else might relate to. I had an idea for a small art project. I checked online to see if someone else has done something similar. “Computer says no.” So, I took that idea and made it happen. And it was shit. But …

Happy New Year

Hey! How's it going? Happy New Year! I mean I know it's been 11 days by now, but just because the calendar flipped doesn't mean my procrastination habits suddenly disappeared. I did feel a motivation boost for the first 4 days of the year (which were, coincidentally, mostly weekends). And I didn't …

My Brain has a Word Limit

For the past couple of weeks I’ve taken note of how long it takes me to get bored of an activity that involves reading. 1000 words. That’s my personal cutoff. 1000 words of a book. 1000 words of a blog post (or two). Even when I’m reading twitter, I’ll get bored after around …

Some Things I Did To Feel Better This Week

We’re out here on month 6 of lockdown and it’s the worst it’s been (for me) in terms of how I feel, how my body feels, how much I’m struggling to get things done. I’ve been a night owl my whole life, going to bed at 2AM or later. But the past couple of weeks I’m …

I Miss Paris

Two things. Watching this video made me miss Paris. It's not like it even shows any of the places that I like or any particular activities I enjoy, but it has the "vibe" and I really miss that vibe. Seeing people, without masks, nonchalantly take the subway is weird. I caught myself feeling …

Stay Home &/ Wear a F*cking Mask

The thing with this thing is that at any given moment you're either preaching to the choir or talking to someone that's so thick, so dumb, and so ignorant that you just have to move on knowing that their nose sticking out above their mask is a problem that's going to take care of itself. But it …

The List

Last Saturday I got really bored and decided to make a list of things that I remember being interested in from my teens up until now. I’ve always been the type of person who darts between hobbies several times a week, and so I have hundreds of interests that I never got good at, didn’t …

Quick Q: How Do You Take Notes?

I’m in between being an Evernote user and a Notion user, and I’m trying to figure out how to take notes and how to store reference material. Im not working on a specific #project right now, I’m mostly just hoarding quotes and articles and images. If this was for a specific project …

Summer So Far

The last thing I remember was taking the subway home from the office and being astounded by a woman eating popcorn out of a bag with her bare hands, occasionally holding onto the railing, as everyone around her (including me) was wearing a face mask. That was in the middle of March, before cases …

The Plan

I hate writing about my plans online. I love doing it, but I hate the way it feels. This blog alone (and this is what, my 10th-ish blog?) has had at least three “I’m getting back to blogging” posts. Sometimes it’s just the only thing I can muster. I have the ambition to do …

Inbox Zero

I’m not enjoying the fact that this is the highlight of my day, but I’m at Inbox Zero and if feels like a huge load has been taken off my shoulders. For a person who hates working from their Inbox, I do it all the time. So, to not have to do that anymore (even if it’s just for the …

The 4 Things that Helped Me Through this Week of Quarantine

This was a particularly difficult one. I couldn’t get myself to do any real work, but I didn’t feel like I was having a good time with any of the other activities either. Except these four: Comic books (Saga, in particular) I basically read through the entire 54 issues of Saga in 4 days. …

Quarantine Update 3.4.20

I’m going to be honest, the highlight of the past week of the quarantine was my discovery/re-discovery of Nintendo games. I have spent 30+ hours playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past on my old Nintendo 3DS. They’re so good! A Link to the Past was …

What I've Been Doing

Playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf[note]It's as peaceful and as addicting as everyone says it is. If you have any Nintendo-device, buy the game. And if it's a Nintend DS/3DS — add me![/note] Playing Zelda: Link to the Past [note]I'm very surprised that the gameplay holds up.[/note] Actually trying to …

Should I be relating to The Bell Jar this much?

“I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, …

January Media Diet

So, uh, the monthly film photography posts didn’t work out, did they? Also: So, uh, it’s 2020 now, I guess? And the first month is over? Wow. Life comes at you fast. Here’s my ‘‘‘‘media diet’’’’ for January. Movies (and TV Show …